05. Sistemas Edificios industriales y grandes superfices.


Säulen, vorgespannte Balken, vorgespannte Paneele TC30, flache Passivpaneele und 2 TB

Dieses System wird vorzugsweise für den Bau großer Flächen wie Logistiklager, Industriegebäude, Einkaufszentren usw. verwendet. Das System besteht aus vorgespannten Säulen und Trägern mit bis zu 40 Metern freiem Licht, die Vordächer bilden, die sich alle 10 Meter wiederholen . Über den Balken befinden sich vorgespannte Paneele, die das Licht zwischen den Vordächern schützen. Diese Paneele können Buchten für Oberlichter oder Windventilatoren enthalten oder so dimensioniert werden, dass sie besondere Lasten aufnehmen können. Die Wandplatten können flach oder gerippt sein. Das System ist mit jedem anderen Material wie Metallstruktur, Isopanel, Holz usw. kompatibel.


This system for mezzanines (if required) is basically the same as the one for industrial buildings, (using pillars and beams) but in this case prestressed panels type 2T are used as well. The height of them (T) is sized according to the load and light request to be saved. This construction system for mezzanines allows us to generate a large volume where in general no intermediate structure is required, lowering the amount of pillars and thus promoting freedom of design. As this are not structural, the interior walls can be made with dry or light partition walls, which offers a high speed of work, minimum man hours and walls that (if desired) could even be interchangeable. In turn, the system allows us to have large glazed areas on the facades and continuous perimeter glass from floor to ceiling.

02. 2T
03. Cerramientos Nervados


Pre-cast concrete enclosures are an efficient and safe solution for the construction of enclosures, warehouses and logistics warehouses. If compared with metal enclosures, the characteristics of concrete give the building superior safety for vandalism, superior fire resistance, wind resistance and durability. Additionally, this product do not require practically any maintenance. The solution saves up to 11m in height in a single module.


This system consists of self-supporting flat plates. Generally these plates are placed horizontally saving lights up to 12 meters. The height of them is variable and depends on the type of design of the building and can reach a maximum of 3 meters. These plates offer the structure optimal security, have low maintenance, allow great flexibility for the design, can have a varied surface or finishes and are also compatible with any other construction material.